January 23, 2025

It's time to talk about posters again (Check out last year's selections HERE) and some of our favourites from the past year. However, we can't do that without also mentioning the disappointing trend of films simply using a still image slapped with a lazy title graphic. Or the still prominent floating heads aesthetic. But hey, at least we’re getting less of the blue and orange colour pairing...
Movie posters can become iconic works of art and, oftentimes, just as memorable as the film they're promoting. It's part of the charm of the overall cinema-going experience and something we can't afford to lose. Thankfully, Nick and Quentin have come to show you that the art of the movie poster is not dead.
With that in mind, what posters best elicited a curiosity in the movies they were advertising? What posters best encapsulated what their movies were about? What posters might be hanging on someone’s wall in 20 years? What posters are just damn cool to look at?
To be clear, we are only talking about the quality of the poster, not the quality of the movie it represents. So, as such, we aren’t going to bore you with a write up about why we love and appreciate each poster. Just appreciate the art as we let the posters speak for themselves, just like the artists who created them intended.
Also, as with last year, we are only listing official marketing materials.
So, which one is your favourite?