Starring: Jeanine Mason, Teri Hatcher, Brad Garrett, Gary Anthony Williams, Chiké Okonkwo, D.C. Douglas, and Alan Tudyk
Creator: Bobs Gannaway


It’s really cool that kids’ programming can be as intriguing and complex as WondLa. There’s plenty about it that is meant for children - the animation and tone of its voice-actors most heavily - but these surface-level aspects are vehicles to give younger audiences access to action and suspense that are often reserved for more mature sci-fi thrillers. There is a fast-paced balance of adolescent set-pieces, adult themes, and universal humor that makes WondLa a series that families can enjoy with their ever-curious children of every age. It also worked for this grown-ass child right here.


Look, I’m a 43-year-old childless man. I know that WondLa isn’t made for me. Honestly, I only gave it a shot because Apple gave us a screener and it was there. That said, for what it is, it's…not terrible? It skews young – like verging on Paw Patrol-young at times – but there are occasional bursts of attractive animation, not to mention a Silo-style mystery, that kept me interested enough to watch the next episode until *poof* I had finished the season. I’m not exactly recommending it for childless adults, but if you have kids and want something to watch with them that isn’t mind-numbing, this fits the bill.