Starring: Jeffrey Wright


It feels like Marvel understood that “not having stakes” is actually a blessing because What If…?: Season Two is one helluva ball of humor and joy. There’s a clear passion in these episodes that Season One sometimes lacked, and while the highs aren’t as high, there’s a care and energy that’s far more enjoyable. Each episode is filled with a child-like delight that is palpable in the writing, voice-acting, action, and story. What If…? is a comic lover’s ultimate playground, and this season is pure excitement, gift-wrapped and waiting to be opened day after day this holiday season - a great idea for its release schedule.


Despite tremendous animation, slick action sequences, and great voicework (Taika Waititi and Jeff Goldblum, especially), What If…? somewhat suffers because of the stories being told. Most episodes are either blatant ripoffs (think, “What if…Marvel made Die Hard?” and “What if…George Miller Directed a Marvel Movie?”), or the premise simply isn’t interesting enough to sustain a 30-minute runtime (“What if…Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper?” - more like “Who Cares…?”). When you couple that with cheesy dialogue and a sense of humor that often caters to younger audiences, you end up with quasi-entertaining fare with enough “that's neat” moments to please the least demanding fans of superhero content.