Starring: Christopher Walken, Stephen Merchant, Rhianne Barreto, Gamba Cole, Darren Boyd, Clare Perkins, Eleanor Tomlinson, and Jessica Gunning
Created by: Stephen Merchant and Elgin James
As a “crime thriller comedy series,” The Outlaws tries to do a little bit of everything with the story without fully hitting on anything. On top of the main (and somewhat unfocused) “bag of money” plot, it also tries to touch on race, political activism, familial dynamics, the price of fame, loneliness, and a budding romance. However, if you ignore the story beats for the development of the characters, each of which have their own thing going on, there is charming amusement to be found in these six episodes, which is further helped along by a delightful Christopher Walken and dryly hilarious Stephen Merchant.