Starring: Keegan-Michael Key, Johnny Knoxville, Rachel Bloom, Judy Greer, Calum Worthy, Krista Marie Yu, and Paul Reiser
Creator: Steven Levitan


Reboot is a show made for people who grew up watching (and still have an affinity for) the golden age of sitcoms. It’s a fun mix of new and old, featuring the classic ideals doled out in an adult manner. It’s smartly written, providing several laugh-out-loud moments, and it features a cast that somehow works well together. Everyone plays to their strengths: Keegan Michael-Key is over the top, Johnny Knoxville is crass and a bit of a mess, Judy Greer is... well Judy Greer, and Paul Reiser brings it all together. Sometimes, when you strike gold, it's best not to question things.


Despite the interesting premise, terrific cast, and freedom to push the envelope, Reboot seems content to play out like a network sitcom with some F-bombs (and one very unnecessary topless scene) lazily thrown in. Its meta leanings are somewhat clever, but most of the jokes are tired and lazy. I mean, the running theme of the writer’s room scenes is “old people aren’t progressive, young people are too woke.” Paul Reiser asking, “do you remember Bugles?” is a literal joke. Hardy Har Har. For better or worse (definitely worse), this series feels like an attempt at Modern Family with an edge…an incredibly dull, butter knife’s edge.