Starring: Noomi Rapace, Jonathan Banks, James D’Arcy, Julian Looman, Lenn Kudrjawizki, William Catlett, Barbara Sukowa, Carole Weyers, Rebecca Scroggs, Henry David, Joshua Spriggs, Michel Diercks, Sandra Teles, Clare-Hope Ashitey, Davina Coleman, Rosie Coleman, and Chipo Chung
Creator: Peter Harness


Constellation, which Apple is calling an “action-packed space adventure,” has very little action and zero adventure. This series is a pure psychological thriller, and a bad one at that. It’s a slow burn that piles mysteries on top of mysteries without ever giving the viewer enough bait to become curious about the answers. Sure, things come into focus eventually, but the slog to get there simply isn’t worth it. It’s a confusing and convoluted mess that will often leave you questioning if you missed something…and I say that as someone who binged the entire season in one sitting. I can’t imagine watching this on a week-to-week basis.


Constellation, Apple TV+’s new psychological thriller features a recognizable cast in Noomi Rapace and Jonathan Banks, and while the acting, cinematography, and score are fantastic, the series, as a whole, is not. The absolute lack of action and ridiculously drawn-out scenes seem to be its attempt at suspenseful intensity, yet they fail to thrill on almost every (but not quite all) occasion. There is complete confusion in the first half of the series, followed by annoyance in the second half with its repetitive nature. There is potential for any possible seasons to come, but this first outing was just too damn slow.