Starring: Vince Vaughn, Natalie Martinez, Meredith Hagner, Rob Delaney, Michelle Monaghan, Jodie Turner-Smith, Ronald Peet, John Ortiz, and L. Scott Caldwell
Creator: Bill Lawrence


One’s enjoyment of Bad Monkey will completely depend on how much one enjoys Tom Petty songs and Vince Vaughn’s schtick because that’s about all this show has to offer. Although they are technically (and too conveniently) connected, the way-too-many storylines are a convoluted mess. From episode to episode, it often feels like you are watching several different shows at once. On top of that, the vibe is extremely dated. It’s very reminiscent of the quirky, brightly colored shows of USA Network’s “Characters Welcome” era. That said, Vaughn is his typical fast-talking self, which, if nothing else, kept me coming back for each episode.


Bad Monkey sees a return to form for Vince Vaughn's fast-talking comedy stylings, which I've been aching for. Sadly, the show around him is pretty messy. It's not bad, and it can be interesting; however, there's just a tad too much going on, and a lot of it struggled to keep my interest outside of Vaughn's storyline. Admittedly, the show looks nice, the overall ensemble bounces off Vaughn excellently, and the show's use of the Florida Keys is actually quite great. Ultimately, I wanted a fun “Vince Vaughn comedy” and I mostly got it, so I can't totally complain.