Starring: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Amy Ryan, Austin Abrams, and Poorna Jagannathan
Director: Jon Watts


Wolfs is as meticulous as fixers are with their cleanup jobs. It’s methodical, measured, and purposeful with every camera direction, piece of dialogue, and acting choice; just when you think it may be going a bit too slow, the mystery peels back another layer with an energy jolt that re-hooks your interest. Brad Pitt and George Clooney are clearly best friends having a blast here, and while I certainly enjoyed myself, they are the key reason to keep watching through its fluctuating pacing. Honestly, if not for their charismatic pairing, I might have dozed off a couple times.


While there is no denying the chemistry between Brad Pitt and George Clooney is unrivaled, Wolfs’ overarching plot is pretty bland and soulless. The movie just relies too much on its star power to get its story across the finish line. Don’t get me wrong, there is fun to be had here, and the banter between Pitt’s and Clooney’s characters is hilarious; however, that alone can’t save the movie from being anything more than middling. It's unfortunate that writer/director Jon Watts lacked the abilities required to create something more compelling or somewhat memorable.


As a fan of George Clooney and Brad Pitt as individuals and especially a tandem, Wolfs was high on my anticipated list. So I'm here to say... it's fine. If this were led by anyone other than the Ocean's alums, it would be a pretty forgettable affair. That said, it’s admittedly great seeing these men back on screen together. There's no real innovation or unique storytelling, and tired tropes such as "they're swearing, therefore it's funny" are relied on too heavily... but damn if the charm of these two fellas didn't keep me engaged every second. They do just enough to elevate my rating.


For a film trying to capture the rowdy buddy-comedy fun of the 1990s-2000s era, Wolfs is strangely lifeless. Brad Pitt and George Clooney are as charming as they've ever been, but you can't rely on their charm alone. Sadly, that’s what this film does. I don't know what tone director Jon Watts was going for, but almost all of its jokes whiff. Furthermore, it's one of those movies whose plot is so all over the place that I had to ask myself, "Am I stupid, or does this just not make sense?" It's the latter.


If you recall, Wolfs was one of my most anticipated movies of 2024 (refresh your memory HERE), and if not for the natural chemistry and ball-busting banter between real-life best buds George Clooney and Brad Pitt, it probably would have been a massive disappointment. However, as it stands, it's only a mild one. The bland story just isn’t very compelling, and worse, once all is explained, it is confusingly done so in fast-talking and convoluted rambling. It genuinely feels like this was just an excuse to get Pitt and Clooney together again, story be damned. Admittedly, it works well on that front, but that’s about it.


I don’t think the Brad Pitt-George Clooney duo could ever make a poor movie. Their combined subtle acting brilliance, comedic timing, and endearing bro-ish chemistry are enough to make any film worth watching. That said, Wolfs is not without its faults. Even as I try to recall many of the events, just one day later, it isn’t easy. The predictability and middling storyline just make for a forgettable film, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have a good time. It’s, at least, a breezy watch that won’t have you wishing you were doing something else.