Starring: Ben Whitehead, Peter Kay, Lauren Patel, and Reece Shearsmith
Directors: Nick Park and Merlin Crossingham


Like all of the films, shorts, or series' in this franchise, Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl is just an utter delight. While I think its "we're dependent on technology" thing is fairly bare-bones, it's still a laugh-a-minute riot with plenty of heart and the ridiculous but fun plot at hand. The titular characters are as entertaining as ever, and there were moments when it kinda blew my mind that this movie was stop-motion animated (seriously, the craft is truly impressive). Nothing about this is mind-blowing, but I just couldn't help but love the hell out of it.


Like all of Aardman Studio’s stop-motion offerings, Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Foul is a comforting delight akin to a warm blanket and a hot cup of tea. It has impeccable comedic timing that will undoubtedly get better every viewing, with non-stop visual gags, cinematic references, niche British colloquialisms, and plenty of cheesy puns. As always, the titular pair are delightfully charming, the signature animation is spectacular, and the story manages to feel familiar and nostalgic yet refreshingly new as it incorporates AI tech into Wallace’s unruly inventions while ensuring their relationship is at the heart of the film.


Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl continues the Aardman Animation tradition of me impatiently waiting for that dog to smack some sense into his naively incompetent owner. Funnily enough, it actually happens to a less-than-satisfying degree. What is most satisfying is the series’ other tradition of incredibly hilarious on-the-nose humor. Utilizing its satirical screenplay and beautiful stop-motion animation, Fowl intelligently mixes comedy, mystery, and horror tropes to let audiences in on every gratifyingly entertaining cliché for this iconic duo’s latest sharp, witty, and damn near perfectly executed adventure.