Starring: Tom Hardy, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Juno Temple, Rhys Ifans, Stephen Graham, Peggy Lu, Clark Backo, Alanna Ubach, and Andy Serkis
Director: Kelly Marcel


The Last Dance might be the best of the Venom trilogy, as easy as that is, but it’s still a predictably stupid, exposition-filled, macguffin-heavy, surface-level movie. Yet, even with all that…and I can’t believe I’m saying this…I kinda enjoyed it. The new cast members cared about their stereotypical roles (especially an always invested Chiwetel Ejiofor), there’s only one irredeemably dumb scene whereas the remaining silliness has some heart, and the action is surprisingly intense. Enough so, that even with its weirdly flat ending, I found the fun Tom Hardy seems to really have in making these films.


While I was never a fan of the Venom movies, The Last Dance is a new low. The previous two films had an (almost) entertaining self-awareness, but aside from some silly bits from time to time, this movie takes itself bizarrely seriously. It tries to deepen the relationship of its central characters, but it falls flat with sloppy action and an exceptionally large amount of exposition. And the ending is laughably bad. You can say I don't know how to have fun all you want, but this is yet another soulless 2024 comic book movie that wound up a disaster.


Objectively speaking, as a superhero movie, The Last Dance isn’t great. It’s bogged down with an absurd amount of exposition, plot holes you could drive a truck through, an in-name-only and mostly faceless villain, generic end-of-the-world stakes, and a CGI-laden finale that is so poorly done that it’s hard to see what is even happening. All that said, I would watch Venom and Eddie (Tom Hardy) bicker and banter for 10 more movies. Their dynamic makes for a delightful bromantic comedy, and I genuinely laughed out loud more watching this than I have at most every other comedy this year. It’s the definition of dumb fun.