Starring: Idris Elba and Tilda Swinton
Director: George Miller


I’m not sure if I liked Three Thousand Years of Longing, but I’d certainly recommend it to anyone who asked. George Miller’s fantasy odyssey is constantly grappling with interesting ideas surrounding story, life, desire, and purpose; however, its presentation isn’t as fulfilling as it hopes to be. Idris Elba and Tilda Swinton have great chemistry, and the film is always engaging, but its adherence to lengthy flashbacks removes the audience from the things that work best. There is much to admire…the costuming, the design, the look of it all…but not much to fall in love with.


Three Thousand Years Of Longing definitely looks great, and it also has some original concepts that are buried underneath a whole bunch of nonsense. However, writer/director George Miller’s latest sees him having full creative freedom, and, unfortunately, that freedom is wasted on a script full of underdeveloped characters and plot points. I genuinely couldn’t tell who I was supposed to root for or what the objective was, which are two pretty important aspects of a movie. And the third act? My God. I’m not exaggerating when I say it gave me whiplash like nine times. It’s very disappointing, to say the least.