Starring: Dave Bautista, Sofia Boutella, Ben Kingsley, Terry Crews, and Pom Klementieff
Director: J.J. Perry


I tried to have fun with The Killer’s Game, and there is a bit to have with Dave Bautista and Sofia Boutella’s opposites attract chemistry; however, expanding their clashing tones to the entire movie just makes it a confusing mess. It can’t decide if it wants to be a stylishly outlandish assassin film or a semi-serious love story caught in the middle of a dangerous world. What we’re left with is Bautista and Boutella stiffly banking on their cute connection to hopefully compel audiences into accepting the purposeful use of every action cliche imaginable. It mostly isn’t convincing.


The Killer’s Game possesses an odd dichotomy of seriousness and campiness that fails to ever coalesce. Dave Bautista plays his role quite well, but with a weightiness that never fully embraces the intended silliness. It’s really too bad because it’s the campy aspects that carry the day, which, incidentally, take too long to introduce in the first place. Even with this dilemma, the film is still entertaining, and Bautista's badass “ground game” is also showcased, even if he’s a little stiff with the standup choreography. I would have been much higher on this had it been a straight-to-streaming option.