Starring: Brandy, Kathryn Hunter, and Andrew Burnap
Directors: Sam Eggers and Max Eggers


While the wacky antics are somewhat entertaining to witness, The Front Room's overarching plot is an M-E-double-S mess. The direction and depth of this unexpectedly campy movie are lacking, and its commentary goes nowhere. It's not terrifying or profound in the slightest, so I'm not sure what this film is attempting to express or accomplish. The movie feels like a short story stretched to its breaking point to become a feature-length film. To be honest, its only redeeming quality is Kathryn Hunter's unforgettable performance.


With The Front Room, it’s like the directing duo of the Eggers brothers got halfway through filming and decided, “this isn’t working, let’s try going campy.” Unfortunately, neither the serious nor the campy route end up working, resulting in a movie that comes across as a goofy (but disgusting) Goosebumps-like tale that should have been told in the same short-film style format. Additionally, Kathryn Hunter plays the annoying step-mother with such adeptness that the other characters’ reactions seem muted. Everything feels so haphazard and careless that intentions seem unmet. Thankfully, the two-hour plus run-time trend is avoided, but it’s hard to tell while watching.