Starring: Heather Graham, Judah Lewis, Barbara Crampton, Johnathon Schaech, Chris McKenna, and Bruce Davison
Director: Joe Lynch


As a movie, Suitable Flesh isn’t something that viewers need to rush to see. However, as an homage to certain movies of the 80s and 90s, I can’t deny that I appreciated the approach and intent. Now, by “certain movies,” I mean the sex-driven, almost soft-core pornography that aired on Cinemax back when it was lovingly referred to as Skinemax, movies like Embrace of the Vampire and Shannon Tweed’s entire filmography. Suitable Flesh nails that aesthetic perfectly, complete with (purposely) wooden acting, a cheesy saxophone-driven score, shoddy special effects, and the oddly era-specific framing. Overall, it’s a nice tribute wrapped in a somewhat meh movie.


Suitable Flesh is a wild ride. The film enthusiastically blends slapstick levels of violence, black comedy, kitchen-sink drama, and psychosexual thrills with cosmic horror. If this sounds insane, it's because it is, in the very best way possible. Although it may appear to have some questionable visual effects and cheesy dialogue, this only serves to enhance its B-movie-inspired appeal. Heather Graham and Barbara Crampton’s performances are delightfully excessive and entertaining, and you can feel how much fun they’re having with the roles. This would be the perfect film to enjoy with horror fans who appreciate nasty-esque video fun.