Starring: Sofia Boutella, Ed Skrein, Michiel Huisman, Anthony Hopkins, Djimon Hounsou, Doona Bae, and Ray Fisher
Director: Zack Snyder


I didn’t think it was possible, but somehow The Scargiver is actually worse than A Child of Fire. It’s an overdramatic, joyless, ugly film about a bunch of farmers fighting in a field. Since the worldbuilding and characterization were so pitiful the first time around, this sequel doesn’t have anything substantial on which to build. Director Zack Snyder attempts to flesh out the characters with a plethora of bothersome flashbacks, but they only succeed in making the universe even more convoluted and tiresome. The Scargiver is a tortuous cacophony of noise that only die-hard Snyder-heads will enjoy.


Unlike A Child of Fire, I went into The Scargiver with zero expectations, and even that didn't help. The performances maintain their inadequacy, while the music in particular stands out as even worse than last time. Everything feels like a misfire. I mean, it's honestly impressive Zack Snyder has managed to craft this expansive world across two films without a single interesting character. I hope for his sake that Snyder can see this for the failure it is and move on to something else. Forget about the R-rated versions. I'm sure they’re at least a slight improvement, but I’m not watching them. Just let this die.