Starring: K.J. Apa, Eric Dane, Maia Reficco, and Edward James OlmosYPU
Director: Kelly Blatz


Eric Dane keeps doing this thing in One Fast Move where he repeatedly says “naw, naw, naw” only to eventually say, “wait… maybe I can” (or some variation of this sentiment). That feeling of seeing the same thing over and over kept recurring throughout the runtime because I’ve seen a lot of this movie’s plot points in plenty of other films. None of it is bad, but much of it is quite ordinary. Dane often overdoes his dead-beat characterization, but a solid KJ Apa and an always stand-out Edward James Olmos balance him out enough to get through the film unbothered.


One Fast Move is the epitome of a cliché racing movie, and it follows its pre-planned map to a T. The predictable character arc follows along the cursive wavelength path of troubled start to things looking up, then the decline before inevitable victory. There are some pedestrian inclusions for the motorcycle fan that include Sturgis shirts, a Tail of the Dragon ride, some motorcycle lingo, and fast bikes, but the true racing enthusiasts will likely walk away feeling let down. Ultimately, an unremarkable, middle-of-the-road offering that steers well clear of the fast lane.