Starring: Kaitlyn Dever
Director: Brian Duffield


I respect what director Brian Duffield has attempted with No One Will Save You, but it just didn't work for me. The atmosphere he creates and the alien design are both top notch, but the risky decision to have the film basically be devoid of dialogue had me tuning out more than in. It seems like he was going for something similar to A Quiet Place, but without the tension of that film, it just makes things feel awkward. I fully expect it to work for many others, but for me, I just wasn't able to connect with the approach.


No One Will Save You is a tense and seriously creepy alien invasion flick that gives off classic horror sci-fi vibes while also feeling very reminiscent of 2002’s Signs. The classic gray alien and UFO designs will truly give you nightmares, not to mention that Kaitlyn Dever proves once again that she is a force to be reckoned with, delivering a fierce physical and emotional performance. This film has next to no dialogue, which makes it all the more eerie, but the ending may lose some people with the very odd note it decided to leave its audience with.


I’ll give No One Will Save You credit for taking some creative risks, but they don’t really pay off. The most daring element of the film is the dialogue-free script, but this has been done before and it’s been done better. Films like A Quiet Place (2018) and Don’t Breathe (2016) tread similar ground, but make the lack of dialogue an essential component of the storytelling. Here, it feels more like a gimmick that the film is forcing on itself. The unnatural storytelling, along with some mediocre visual effects, make this alien invasion feel poorly planned out.


No One Will Save You might easily be one of the most visceral-sounding films ever made, especially since the characters never utter a single word. Without dialogue, the sound mixing fixes on every creepy step and snapping bone crunch, effectively maximising an immersive and unsettling tension that rarely is executed this well. It adds tremendously to the isolation of Brynn (Kaitlyn Denver) as she deals with her extraterrestrial terrors. No One Will Save You might not break the mould, but it certainly attempts to reshape it in one of the creepiest horror films of 2023.