Starring: Allison Janney, Jurnee Smollett, Logan Marshall-Green, Ridley Asha Bateman, and Matt Craven
Director: Anna Foerster


Assassin revenge films aren’t really my thing, but I get why they appeal to so many. Lou should attract the die-hard fans of the sub-genre since it has many of the popular tropes while offering up a few surprises of its own. Logan Marshall-Green and Allison Janney even give strong performances, though Jurnee Smollett is a bit uneven, unfortunately. That said, Lou is very derivative, just another rogue military assassin tale from Netflix. Ultimately, even with decent acting and cinematography, the end result is still middling and forgettable.


Lou is a shabby entry in the already tired genre of “unsuspecting old person is secretly a badass.” In this instance, said old person is the usually excellent Allison Janney, who seems to want her Neeson Moment. It does not work in her favor. Be it typecasting or just her general look and demeanor (both in real life and on screen), I can’t buy the 62-year-old Janney as a grizzled ass-kicker. Throw in some barely workmanlike supporting performances and a few lazy twists, and Lou ends up being one of the most uninspired revenge action thrillers in quite some time.