Starring: Awkwafina, John Cena, Simu Liu, Ayden Mayeri, Donald Elise Watkins, and Seann William Scott
Director: Paul Feig


To say I was torn going into Jackpot! would be an understatement. On one hand, I am notoriously over Awkwafina's shtick. On the other hand, I thoroughly enjoy John Cena, especially in comedic roles. The sum of those parts is a movie that's... fine. Both leads do what I had expected of them (Awkwafina is, admittedly, slightly less annoying), and the story has promise; however, I wish it had leaned into the ridiculousness of its concept more, especially in the relatively forgettable action sequences. Something akin to the church scene from Kingsman could have truly hit the jackpot, but this just feels like pocket change.


Despite my strong dislike for Awkwafina, and with John Cena coming off a slew of straight-to-streaming trash like Freelance and the Vacation Friends movies (even if he does demonstrate his comedic chops in such drivel), Jackpot! isn’t as bad as I expected. The chemistry between the two leads works pretty well, with some decently funny one-liners tossed about, and the generic action is entertaining enough. That said, as toned down as Awkwafina may be, Jackpot! would have been better had they cast anyone else (Anna Kendrick? Ali Wong?) Overall, though, for a buddy actioner with some questionable provenance being quietly released on Prime, it’s quite alright.


The best thing about Jackpot! is John Cena, who has proven his ability to shine in comedic roles. Without him, I would not have enjoyed the film nearly as much, especially since Awkwafina is, at best, annoying. Nonetheless, the concept is, surprisingly, pulled off better than expected, although it should have gone bigger, more violent, and more ridiculous. The few action scenes it has are fun, but not totally satisfying, which also seems like a wasted opportunity for Cena’s talents. There are a couple of laugh-out-loud moments courtesy of Cena’s delivery, but a bolder approach would have been far more entertaining.