Starring: Isaiah Lehtinen, Krista Bridges, Percy Hynes White, Romina D'Ugo, and Eden Cupid
Director: Chandler Levack


Meet Lawrence (Isaiah Lehtinen) - he’s self-centered, pretentious, sexist, and terrible to the people around him. You hate him pretty much every second he’s on screen, and that’s a testament to the performance of Lehtinen. This very Canadian indie is a refreshing take on the coming-of-age story, told through an unabashedly unlikable protagonist. There’s a great mix of humour and drama, along with some solid supporting performances, particularly by Romina D'Ugo as the Sequels Video manager. I Like Movies is a welcome feature debut from director Chandler Levack, and it will be interesting to see where she goes from here.


The main character of I Like Movies is so unlikable that it makes it really hard to enjoy the movie. He’s a combination of the worst parts of Napoleon Dynamite and Jonah Hill’s character in Superbad. Isaiah Lehtinen does a great job of bringing this little asshole to life, but despite the film’s best efforts to make you empathize with him, he’s just so hard to root for (let alone spend 90 minutes with). Now, maybe, with time, I Like Movies will develop a love/hate cult following much like Napoleon Dynamite has, but I will fall firmly on the hate side of that coin.
This film was reviewed by Nick and Quentin as part of Bitesize Breakdown's coverage of the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival.