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Starring: Nick Frost, Sebastian Croft, Aisling Bea, Maisie Ayres, Eero Milonoff, Anitta Suikkari
Director: Steffen Haars

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Get Away is a horror-comedy that presents an amusing twist on folk horror tropes, and I was immediately on board with the awkward humour and jabs taken at the family’s cringe-worthy attempts to respect the culture whilst being oblivious to their ignorance. Nick Frost excels in familiar horror-comedy territory, but Aisling Bea is the standout, nailing every line delivery. The unexpected twist is great when it's initially revealed, but I found the build-up was better. Plus, after the novelty wears off, it raises a lot of questions that go unanswered and the short runtime begins to drag.

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If not for an out-of-nowhere twist and tonal shift around the halfway point, Get Away wouldn’t have much going for it. Even as it is, the twist is so rushed and undeveloped that it can’t fully save the picture. Otherwise, this is a comedy-horror that is neither funny nor scary, and despite clocking in at only 80 minutes, it’s still too long. Granted, there is some gleeful carnage to be found in the final act, but it’s just carnage for carnage’s sake. That might be enough for some, and I can’t fault those people, but I need more.

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