Starring: Jude Law, Eddie Redmayne, Mads Mikkelsen, Ezra Miller, Dan Fogler, Callum Turner, Alison Sudol, Jessica Williams, William Nadylam, and Victoria Yeates
Director: David Yates


It takes two-thirds of Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore to completely wipe away the bad taste left by its predecessor. The early acts don’t quite nail the Harry Potter magic, but they do satisfyingly answer unresolved questions and lean on a strong ensemble. Dan Fogler and Jude Law continue to shine, but it’s the wonderful additions of Mads Mikkelson and Jessica Williams that carry the film through to a turning point in the third act that seemingly clicks the magic back into place. When the film started, I was worried about this franchise; Now, I’m genuinely excited to see where it goes next.


Though better than the previous film in a series I now dread, the third entry in the Fantastic Beasts franchise is as overlong and dry as it could ever be. Mads Mikkelsen makes for a better Grindelwald on the whole, and Jude Law remains excellent as Dumbledore; However, the story is so scattershot that it’s a wonder the film even has time for Newt (Eddie Redmayne), the supposed series protagonist. The movie continually insists on its own importance in the wizarding world story, but never earns the audience’s attention or care. Despite its improved tonal consistency, the magic has run out.