Starring: Brian O’Halloran, Jeff Anderson, Trevor Fehrman, Jason Mewes, Kevin Smith, and Rosario Dawson
Director: Kevin Smith


Writer/director Kevin Smith isn’t trying to recreate his glory days as much as rectify them with Clerks III, the heart and soul of the View Askewniverse. You can really see Smith filtering his own life and experiences onto these characters that we have grown with over the past three decades. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see him do something different, but Dante (Brian O’Halloran) and Randall (Jeff Anderson) have become so entangled with his own life that it was satisfying to see him give them a proper send off. It’s not his greatest film, but it gives you all the feels.


Clerks III surely won’t convert any Kevin Smith non-fans, but for those who have been with View Askewniverse since 1994, this unexpected franchise finale is an emotional and nostalgic look at grief, mortality, friendship, and legacy. It’s easily Smith’s most personal and heartfelt film, and the catharsis he’s seeking with these characters is palpable throughout the meta shenanigans. Catching up with Dante (Brian O’Halloran) and Randall (Jeff Anderson) isn’t showy, but it’s relatable and cozy…like wearing your favorite comfy sweatshirt. Surprisingly, Smith has quietly made one of the most unassuming and best trilogies of all time…and it wasn’t even supposed to be here today.