Starring: Jeremy Moineau, Chris Asimos, Dominique Booth, Lewi Dawson, Olivia Deeble, Lisa Fanto, Molly Ferguson, Patty Glavieux, and Betsey Brown
Director: Alice Maio Mackay

This film has been reviewed by Paige and Quentin as part of Bitesize Breakdown's coverage of the 2024 Fantasia International Film Festival.


Given that this is an uber micro-budgeted film from a 19-year-old director that somehow has six features under her belt, I suppose I’ll give Carnage for Christmas an “A for effort.” That said, this thing is bad, man. It’s like a student film you’d find on YouTube. The acting is really rough, some of the visual flourishes are incredibly cheesy, the acceptance messaging is over-the-top preachy, and, honestly, it’s barely even a Christmas horror movie. Other than a Santa suit, this movie could have taken place in July without much changing. At only 70 minutes, this felt much longer and tremendously lacking.


Alice Maio Mackay’s queer, Santa-slashing, mystery movie Carnage for Christmas lacks the traditional horror and holiday spirit it is going for. This amateurish, low-budget film truly feels like an R-rated, wannabe Nancy Drew knockoff built on lifeless performances and cringe worthy dialogue. The film's visually distinct, almost overexposed, aesthetic is another flaw on top of the 70-minute runtime that is surprisingly sluggish. I hate to say it, but with all things considered, this movie deserves to be on the naughty list for how bad it is.